School Program Team


Tanjeem Ahsan
Co-Director of School Program

Tanjeem Ahsan has been involved with Agami from its early beginnings and has been serving the School Programs in one way or another throughout this time. Tanjeem is an Engineer by profession, currently working for Google after a long stint with Broadcom. He is based in Bay Area along with his wife Sarah, who is also the co-director of the school program and their two children. 

Besides Agami, his other passions involve playing and screaming for Soccer (or any other sports for that matter), enjoying and playing music, and trying to prove the flat-earther that the world is not flat after all through his travel around the world.


Sarah Rahman
Co-Director of School Program

Education is my second career but my number one passion. I was introduced to the education sector in Bangladesh through Agami. As I worked for the organization and eventually became the co-director of the School Program, I saw firsthand how impactful our work was, which prompted me to get my Master's in education and become a teacher.

After five years of teaching, I started a new role in education. the director of the 49ers Foundation STEM Leadership Institute, a nonprofit that works to empower students using STEM education. My passion and commitment to educating youth remain strong. I plan to strengthen and build upon the program's strong foundation by using my experiences and knowledge of the public school systems. I am mindful of the grappling mental health crisis and learning gaps that the pandemic has caused (is causing), and I hope to scaffold our students to overcome these challenges and continue on their quest for excellence.

Dr. Targeue Mehdi
Associate Director of School Program
I am Teareque Mehdi, currently living in Fairfax, Virginia. I am an international doctoral student at George Mason University from Bangladesh. My primary specialization is in Teaching and Teacher Education and a combination secondary that includes learning technology, international education and related coursework

I consider myself as an activist, an educator, and a social science researcher. My work in Education, spanning more than a decade, began as a teenager in Bangladesh. I was selected as the “Young Champion for Education” by UNICEF and advocated for child rights, girls’ education where he addressed the disparities that affect education in that region. Prior to coming to Mason, I also worked for the British Council overseeing the cultural relations projects. There, I coordinated several programs that had nationwide impact in terms of social awareness and education. Currently I am serving as the Vice President of the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA) at Mason where I am representing more than twelve thousand graduate students globally. My contribution aims to establish GAPSA as a forum for Mason graduate and professional students so that they are able to address issues, advocate for the greater good, grow professionally, and socialize with one another, thus, we can create a stronger graduate community, and promote personal and academic success. 

Mustafijur Rahman