General Donations

Make a donation using Paypal Giving with no transaction fees.

Running Fundraiser

Support Education for Students Impacted during Mass Uprising

credit card

Direct your donation to a particular project or one of our supported UN SDGs.

Donate Your Zakat and Sadaqah

We accept both Zakat and Sadaqah donations. Please review Agami’s Zakat Policy to learn how your Zakat donation is used.

Donate by Mail

Mails checks to:
Agami, Inc
PO Box 3178
Fremont, CA 94539

Donate using facebook

You can use Agami’s Facebook page to donate or run a fundraising campaign.

Company Matching

12% of donations come from the work place of our donors who have programs. What company do you work for? Read more…

online shopping

0.5% of your Amazon shopping can be donated using Amazon Smile.
You can also find Agami on Ebay or use PayPal Giving.

Donate in Bangladesh

Skip the international transaction fees. Place your donations directly where they need to be. Read more…
bKash No: 01705729989

Mission & Vision

For donors who are interested in the guidelines which Agami volunteers are committed to,
read more About us.


Find out more about where charity funds are being spent,
check out Agami’s Newsletter.

Overhead Costs

Less than 15% of donations cover for overhead costs such as staff members and operational expenses.
See Annual Reports



Your donation supports the students, teachers, and schools of underprivileged regions in Bangladesh.

With assistance through education, the students of today will become the teachers of tomorrow.